A grid of questions and a template to help you create an explanatory page for your financial statements that leaves no room for interpretation!
1, Place des savoirs

Financement + Pratiques philanthropiques
La question qui préoccupe toutes les organisations, et à laquelle aucune réponse simple n’existe. Cependant, la mise en place de pratiques novatrices, la diversification des sources de revenus et la création de liens humains durables constituent une partie de la solution.
Du côté des bailleurs de fonds, alors que le rôle de la philanthropie dans nos communautés s’intensifie, les réflexions sur le sujet aussi se multiplient. Toute organisation philanthropique a intérêt à faire sienne cette information grandissante pour s’en inspirer.
Résultats de recherche
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Funders are embracing a more equitable way of working with nonprofits by prioritizing collaboration and trust. (SSIR)
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Without any surprise, corefunding is at the top of the list.
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Various speakers share their experiences in gift planning, strategic philanthropy and the charity sector, and their insights and observations on how to achieve courageous, transformative change.
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A pratical Theory of change guidance, templates and examples. For an adaptation in French, see the article Schéma de contribution.
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These exciting changes in philanthropy might lead to your most successful grant writing year yet
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A wide selection of tools and resources about operating a nonprofit, building partnerships, maximizing impact, etc. Both in English and French. ONN is the independent network for Ontario’s 58000 nonprofit organizations.
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A study published in Standford Social Innovation Review: comparable, easily digestible metrics shifted donations from charities with only a good pitch to those with demonstrable results.