Logo Fusion Jeunesse

Fusion jeunesse

The model imagined by Youth Fusion has proved itself. The long-term presence of project coordinators, combined with weekly collaboration with teachers and school staff, makes it possible to work in a perspective of engagement and cooperation, since the ultimate goal is to transform the way young people become engaged in their learning and in their community. Youth Fusion offers a continuum of interventions from elementary school to industry, thus strengthening the match between training and employment, while working against early school leaving.
The impact of the programs continues to be striking in terms of the absenteeism and school dropout rates, as well as the students’ grades and behaviour.
The Foundation’s partnership with Youth Fusion celebrates 10 years and allows us to continue favouring school perseverance throughout Québec and Canada.

Gift granted in June 2024
$150,000/12 months
Mission funding – Youth fusion and Robotique FIRST Québec

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