Santropol Roulant

Santropol Roulant offers a unique, diversified and agile approach. At a time when innovative solutions are needed to overcome workforce and financing challenges, while meeting growing food security needs, its circular vision stands out.

Santropol Roulant seeks to create lasting social links, notably between generations and between people from different social backgrounds. The benefits of its efforts are tangible, with reliable access to food, increased social contact, collaboration between organizations and leadership development within the community.

In the near future, Santropol Roulant intends to invest in its programs to enable Montrealers to make even more informed food choices, increase their knowledge and curiosity about food systems, and enable them to maintain close relationships with their community.

Through its active approach to social mixing and the creation of quality links between employees,  volunteers, service providers and other community members, the organization strives to awaken a greater sense of personal action and a broader set of skills, essential for participation in civic life.

Gift granted in October 2024
$25,000/12 months
Mission funding

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