Beyond financial support, the Foundation wants to contribute to the progress of the organization it works with. We seek to establish close ties with our partner organizations, building partnerships based on mutual trust, transparency and sharing of expertise.

The Foundation’s philanthropic personality is articulated around three essential points:


In-depth knowledge of its partner organizations is a priority for the Foundation. We devote a great amount of time and energy to building solid and sustainable partnerships, in the most egalitarian perspective possible.


The Foundation launched Philagora a capacity-building program for its partner organizations.

We thus seek to contribute to the emergence of a dynamic community of practice and, once again, to the deepening of our ties with our partners.

The 1, place des Savoirs portal is available to everyone, bringing together resources, references and suggested reading on a series of subjects of community and philanthropic interest. This one-stop destination for multiple searches is updated constantly.


The Foundation tries to develop the most accurate possible reading of its partners’ needs and realities. We make it our duty to be an active participant in each of the communities to which we belong.

Believing in the importance of opening a window to the donor organizations’ practices and expectations, we participate in many reflection, mobilization and information activities.

The team's values
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