philagora celebrates its 10th anniversary

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Philagora program, we invite you to meet actors of change in Quebec and elsewhere in the world, who have generously shared their views and their analysis of the evolution of the sector. The diversity of the angles presented reflects the richness of this sector and the people who work there with all their passion.  

In these videos, we also invite you to delve into our philanthropic lexicon, which can sometimes seem difficult for the uninitiated: philanthro…what? 

Philagora is an individual and organizational capacity-building program dedicated specifically to the non-profit sector. Topics are carefully selected to meet the expressed needs of organizations, and formats range from morning chats to interactive workshops, panels and public conversations. 



For us, Philanthropy means… (in French)

For purpose sector
In Australia, the philanthropic sector uses the term “For Purpose Sector” to describe itself. 
What would be a suitable French translation?

Let’s talk about the disbursement quota.


Canada – The Counselling Foundation of Canada

The Counselling Foundation of Canada is located in Toronto. Established in 1959 by Mr. Lawson, it champions life-long learning and career development that empowers people in Canada to develop their skills and talents. Here, Ben Liadsky, Program Manager, talks about the importance of capacity building, human connections and examples of decolonizing philanthropic practices. 

Canada – Fondation Dufresne et Gauthier (FDG)

Fondation Dufresne et Gauthier (FDG) was established in 2001 by Hélène Dufresne and Daniel Gauthier. It supports projects in Quebec and Mongolia designed to make a difference in the lives of the many children who live in underprivileged communities and young people who are at risk. Listen to Hélène Dufresne sharing the Foundation’s vision of proximity and trust-based philanthropy. 

Canada – Niska Cooperative

The Niska Cooperative specializes in collective development and collaborative processes. Founded in 2005, it is driven by the values of commitment, collaboration, creativity and integrity. Niska supports hundreds of organizations every year. It is therefore at the forefront of transformations. Félix Boudreault talks to us about the emergence of new governance models. 

Canada – Hilary Pearson – Foundations in Canada

Hilary Pearson has had a 20 years career in the world of foundation philanthropy in Canada. As the Founding President of Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC), she has worked for 18 years with many of Canada’s private charitable foundations. Hilary continues to be actively involved in the sector and in a number of initiatives to modernize public policy. She has a keen eye for how grantmaking has evolved over the past 10 years and how it will need to change in the near future.

Australia – The Myer Foundation and Sidney Myer Fund: untied support to organizations and capacity building for the for-purpose sector.

For over 60 years, the Myer Foundation has worked closely with the for-purpose sector, other funders, and the Australian government. It works in 3 areas: the arts, the environment and inequalities leading to poverty. Leonard Vary, Executive Director and Kirsty Allen, Senior Program Manager, talk about the philanthropic approach of th Foundation, the “Pay What It Takes” initiative and the SILA capacity building program which promotes, among other things, “a Culture of Permission”. 

1/3: The Myer Foundation and its philanthropic approach

2/3: The “Pay What It Takes” initiative

3/3: SILA, for a Culture of Permission

Québec – Table nationale des Corporations de développement communautaire (TNCDC)
TNCDC is a national network whose mission is to bring together the CDCs of Québec and support them in achieveing their objectives. In addition, it promotes the essential place of the autonomous community movement in local development, in a perspective of social justice as well as global and sustainable development. Ophélie Couspeyre, Development Officer at the TNCDC, talks about the evolution of community action over the past 10 years and about future perspectives.  

Colombia – The AFE, Association of foundations (NPO, family and corporate foundations)
AFE is an association of NPOs, family foundations and corporate foundations. Its mission is to contribute to the capacity building of foundations and partner organizations, while encouraging collaboration and influencing private sector practices and public policies.  
In these two videos, Aura Lucia LLoreda, Executive Director, explains how AFE works, talks about trust-based philanthropy, a collaborative project “Alianza Antioquia”, and invites us to connect with Colombian foundations. 

1/2: What is the AFE and the “Alianza Antioquia”

2/2: Trust-based Philanthropy and an invitation

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