Fondation Accueil Bonneau

Accueil Bonneau has been offering trust services to its participants since 1973. A voluntary trust consists of receiving the participant’s social assistance cheque, paying the rent and, if the participant so wishes, other bills, and giving the rest of the money to the participant according to his or her needs. This is a tried and tested method of enabling people to keep their accommodation.

The Accueil Bonneau hopes to increase the number of trustees from 200 to 470, as well as providing support workers with the tools they need to improve financial literacy. In addition, a regional voluntary trust pilot project is being rolled out in partnership with the Fédération des OSBL d’habitation de Montréal (FOHM).

Gift granted in September 2024
$150,000 $/36 months
Specific Program: voluntary trust service

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